About us...

During the height of the Tea Party revolt, LibertyNews served as one of the nation's leading sources of patriotic news and action items. Managed by Grassroots Action and led by one of the pioneers of the Tea Party movement (who helped organize the very first Tea Party rally in Chicago), Liberty News developed web, social and email properties that generated millions of page views and interactions on a monthly basis.

Returning from a hiatus since the Fall 2017, LibertyNews is once again a vibrant source of news and insights for the liberty movement. We hope you enjoy the new Liberty News!

Liberty News Team

  • Short, root-word dot-com domain (LibertyNews.com)
  • Deliverable email list of more than 50,000
  • Facebook page (@libertymovement) with more than 65,000 likes
  • Definitive "liberty" address on Twitter (@liberty)
  • YouTube page with nearly 200 archived videos at libertynewsmedia (12,400 subscribers)
  • Distinctive logo

If you are interested in purchasing this unique portfolio of LibertyNews resources, complete the form below, or contact tina @ grassfire-dot-com.

Please note that the Liberty News resources listed above are being offered together and not individually.